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Public Law & 
Local Authorities

CLC has forged relationships with the public sector over many years. We are proud to be associated with many local authorities and to partner with them in delivering legal services to their internal clients and through shared services. CLC has provided a suite of outsourced service contracts for a local authority. Its members are regularly instructed in commercial adjudication and in building and construction disputes on behalf of local authorities.


Outsourcing, procurement and public sector contracting for works, supplies and services are likely to change for contracting authorities following the implementation period after Brexit, including the advertisement of new procurements.


Our members are delighted to have received positive feedback from local authority teams -both commercial and dispute resolution. We have engaged with directors of services in developing a strategy that reflects the values of the public sector. Whilst committed to alternative dispute resolution, we recognise the litigation pressures placed upon local authorities by its contractors.


As a BSB regulated entity, the “law firm” approach offers the public sector more than just a single meeting or opinion. CLC is licensed and regulated to conduct litigation including service of any proceedings and advocacy at a court hearing. We work with local authority team leaders to provide a budgeted and  partnered service throughout the litigation or project.


​Helpful Links


Guidance to public sector model services contract


Public procurement changes after Brexit:


Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb):

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